Sleep Breathing Disorders

More than 70 million Americans suffer from a sleep disorder and do not even know it.  Sleep-related breathing disorders cause many underlying health conditions when left untreated.  Let’s get you treated and onto a healthier, happy life.

Signs of Sleep Disorders

If you or someone you know experiences any of the following conditions, there is a possibility that you or your loved one may be suffering from a sleep disorder.

Gasping for breath while sleeping
Kicking and jerking while sleeping
Grinding teeth while sleeping (bruxing)
Falling asleep while at work or while driving
Not feeling refreshed after a full night sleep
Morning headaches
Daytime fatigue

Quick Sleep Screening

Want to know if you might be at risk of a sleep-related breathing disorder?
Take this quick and simple online sleep screening.

Learn More About

Home Sleep Test

Learn more about the sleep testing device, how to take it, and any other FAQs.

Oral Appliance Therapy

We offer a wide variety of oral sleep appliances, customized specifically to treat every sleep disorder.

Snoring & Sleep Breathing Disorders

Learn what are sleep breathing disorders and how it affects your overall health.

Medical Insurance

Does your Medical Insurance cover your Oral Sleep Appliance Therapy? Click to learn more about coverage.

Educational Videos on Sleep Disorders 

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